Housing First – a new option for landlords
The People’s Project is here to support successful tenancies for landlords and tenants. 
We offer people using our services the widest possible choice of housing options so they can find something that is the right size, in the right location and at the right price for them. This means working with public, private and community housing landlords.
If you are a landlord, property manager or property developer and have property to rent or tenant, we can find you tenants and partner with you and help manage your property.
Housing First gives landlords and property managers peace of mind when it comes to looking after their homes.
Some of the benefits we can offer landlords and property managers.
- We know our tenants really well. Our case managers and social workers provide intensive, long-term support, meeting with people in their homes on a regular basis.
- We assist with moving in and assist clients to set up automatic payments for rent and power which ensures the rent is paid.
- We will ensure clients who qualify have access to Tenancy Cost cover, a Work and Income product that provides you, the landlord, with some financial guarantees if things go wrong.
- We support people to be good tenants, helping them manage their visitors, budgets, housekeeping, health, wellbeing and goal planning.
- Easy communication. We keep in touch so you are well informed about your property and its tenants.
- We’re here for you. Our friendly staff are just a phone call away if you need us or have an issue that needs to be resolved.
- In some cases we may be able to assist with recovering rent arrears, if they occur.
- We prioritise our relationship with you and work together to create a win-win for both you and your tenant.
It takes a community working together to end homelessness.
We’re often asked, what can I do to make a difference in my community to help people who are struggling to find a home?
Here is a unique and special opportunity for landlords to make a real difference in Hamilton and Tauranga.
Contact us today for a no-obligation chat: phone 0800 437 348.